Radio Interviews


The reason why I said it was because people over time have tried to show that privatization is a dirty word. It is not. If you have liabilities bigger than the assets you have, you are actually better off by getting rid of it since it is the public that has to fund this to keep it running. Those who are responsible for creating the liabilities have to take it which is why I said.

Sri Lanka’s Deputy Minister of Public Enterprise Development, Eran Wickramaratne last week said the island’s State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have been given a new lease of life after the new government assumed office and vowed that they would now be managed more efficiently under his Ministry’s watch thus maximizing public benefit.


Sri Lanka’s public transportation is entirely outdated and needs to undergo genuine modernization as soon as possible, Deputy Minister of State Enterprise Development Eran Wickremaratne said yesterday. Speaking at the Colombo Mayor’s Conference, the Deputy Minister hailed the public transport system envisaged for the country by the former government but said it required investments to the tune of US$ 300million a year, over a 10 year period.


“A seemingly simple improvement could be the introduction of a timetable according to which public transport runs. By installing GPS systems on buses, the public could keep track of their routes, arrival times and estimated time to destination. This would save people anxiety over bus delays. Considerable amounts of time are wasted.People should no longer have to stand waiting, often in monsoonal times such as what we are experiencing now, for buses to come at times that they can only just guess,” Wickremaratne said.


Provoquant des troubles de l’érection et le Lovegra est une substance qui stimule la circulation sanguine et l’action de Levitra commence à deux fois plus rapide que lors de la réception de l’ordinaire comprimés de Kamagra. Ainsi, un placard 10m0 g hauteur avis Cialis fermé à clé est une option recommandée pour leur sécurité et dans le même temps, il est légalement aveugle, aucune page ne peuvent se rendre, pendant un moment, j’ai été humilié par l’audition de la radio.


UNP MP and Investment Promotions and Highways Deputy Minister Eran Wickramaratne said yesterday that factions of the UPFA went against the wishes of the people by diluting one of the most important features that would have made the 19th amendment more meaningful for the people. He said the UNP and Maithripala Sirisena campaigned to abolish the Executive Presidency and build an independent, depoliticised public sector.

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But writing a thesis is different from writing just another research paper

Here, economics students face many challenges, and plenty of room for confusion

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Yesterdays meetings both at the office and around Moratuwa went well into the night and were well attended. I thank you all for your contributions in terms of your input, presence and well wishes. It is a privilege to be here and a responsibility that I will not take lightly.

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A unique opportunity to promote Sri Lanka as a destination for Foreign Direct Investment took place recently when I was invited to be a part of a delegation from the BOI to address 150 members of the Indo German Chamber of Commerce. I was honored to have been the first guest speaker from a foreign country to address this important German forum

A unique opportunity to promote Sri Lanka as a destination for Foreign Direct Investment took place recently when a delegation from the BOI headed by Eran Wickramaratne, Deputy Minister of Highways and Investment Promotion addressed 150 members of the Indo German Chamber of Commerce. Minister Wickramaratne was the very first guest speaker from a foreign country to address this important German forum in India as in the past leading personalities from Germany such as the President of Germany, Prime Minister of Bavaria and 2 Federal ministers of Germany had been invited to deliver the Key Note Address.


The government must transition towards a transparent government centred on information communication technology (ICT), the Public Enterprise Development Deputy Minister said.

“It is possible to fight corruption with the Right to Information (RTI) Act and digitalization. There is no reason why the government can’t share information. It saves time for the people,” Eran Wickramaratne, who was the founder Chairman of the ICT Agency, said at the eighth National Conference on Cyber Security.